SPR720-202 Study Overview

The study is of an investigational new agent called SPR720 and the goal of the study is to learn if it is safe and effective for patients with NTM-PD caused by Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC).  Researchers are seeking to learn the following during this study: 

  • The efficacy of SPR720 compared with placebo in patients with MAC-PD
  • The safety and tolerability of SPR720 in participants with MAC-PD
  • The pharmacokinetics (how SPR720 behaves in the body) following orally administered SPR720 in patients with MAC-PD

How the Study Works:

This is a Phase 2a clinical study. Patients will be given oral doses of SPR720 once per day for 56 days of either Placebo, SPR720 500 mg or SPR720 1000 mg. 

Key Criteria for Participating (not a complete list):

  • A diagnosis of MAC-PD
  • At least one prior positive culture (sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage) for MAC in the previous 12 months
  • An induced sputum culture at screening positive for MAC
  • Be either treatment-naïve or treatment-experienced
  • Clinical signs and symptoms within the 6 weeks prior to consent that are consistent with MAC-PD
View Eligibility Criteria


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American Lung Association

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American Thoracic Society (ATS)

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Bronchiectasis and NTM Online Community

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